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How To Throw A New Year Party If You’re A Cheapskate

How To Throw A New Year Party If You’re A Cheapskate_Thumbnail

You want to throw a New Year party but don’t want to part with the moths in your wallet. Here are a few ideas for all you cheapskates out there.

How To Throw A New Year Party If You’re A Cheapskate

Have you ever wanted to throw a massive New Year bash that ends with you and your closest friends literally crawling into the next year on your knees? Yup, we totally feel you. After all, a party really isn’t a partaaay without at least a few people dangling off furniture in positions that would give even the stringiest yoga instructors a terrible inferiority complex.

However, if you’re the kind of person that keeps your Credit Card locked away in a vault, or someone who wouldn’t pay an extra Rs. 10 for a bottle of water after 40 days in the middle of the Sahara desert, but are still hell bent on throwing a banging party, then we’ve got some great ideas for all you cheapos out there.

We’re pretty sure all you Scrooges out there have thrown mini-parties at your place where you’ve asked your guests to bring their own drinks, while all you offer is the pleasure of your esteemed company.

While that’s very magnanimous of you, throwing a BYOB party is actually quite commonplace and not really frowned upon as much as it used to be. This way everyone gets to drink what they want without having to worry about what’s available or if there’s enough for everyone.

If you’re feeling a tad bit generous, you could plump for fruit juices and sodas as mixers or even buy a couple of watermelons and try one of those alcohol infused melon-drinking games that seem to be so popular these days. Yup, gone are the days of party animals who would huddle around Scrabble boards and barf into a bag of tiles. It’s all about sophistication nowadays you see!

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One sure fire way of kicking the excitement up a notch is by giving your party a certain theme like Halloween. While you don’t have to tell everyone to dress up in all sorts of ghoulish attire since everyone will more or less resemble zombies the next morning, you could come up with other whacky ideas.

Maybe get everyone to dress up as their favourite superhero, or maybe throw a retro style 70’s party where everyone dresses up in gaudy bell-bottoms and even gaudier sideburns. Just don’t ask where they got the extra sideburn hair from.

One of the more popular party themes is beachwear. Everyone lands up in bermudas and swimsuits, flowery shirts, sandals, and throw on a YouTube video of waves crashing on a beach somewhere. You could even make it more realistic by dumping sand all over your living room, although getting rid of it after a night of partying isn’t the ideal way to start off a new year.

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Here’s a guaranteed way of saving some cash without burning a massive hole in your wallet. Turn your party into a potluck where all your guests get at least three food items. It could be anything from snacks, to appetizers to full blown meals and desserts.

This way, everyone will have something to savour while you sneak away quietly into your bedroom rubbing your hands with a sly, evil grin on your face. Just make sure you do your bit of cooking, or else your guests may ensure your party ends with pie all over your face.

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Okay, maybe you and your friends are all grown up now and don’t have the energy to trip the light fantastic until the wee hours of the morn. Well, you bunch of fuddy-duddies need not worry your bald pates.

Prep up your couch, prop up your cushions, get some warm blankets and hot cocoa, and binge watch your favourite movies all through the night. In fact, you could even binge watch popular series like Game of Thrones or Narcos, which always makes for great viewing even though you’ve already watched them multiple times.

But if it’s movies you’re looking for, then nothing beats fantasy epics like the Lord of the Rings trilogy or Star Wars. If you’re looking for something gory and campy at the same time, then you can’t go wrong with the original Evil Dead trilogy that should have you in splits one minute and biting your toenails in horror the next.

Additional Reading: Are You A Movie Buff? Here Are 5 Amazing Things A Credit Card Can Do For You

We can literally hear your bank account heaving a huge sigh of relief after you’ve read this. In any case, we hope you have a great year ahead and if you’re looking for some great financial products to get your finances up and running, then you’ve certainly come to the right place.

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