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Planning A Frugal Halloween Party

Planning A Frugal Halloween Party

It’s frightening enough that Halloween falls on the last day of October. For most, salary accounts are running dry and many a bill is due. Despite such dire times, throwing a Halloween Party is a must. But, can you acquire all those devilish costumes and dreadful decorations on a budget? It’ll take a fortune, right? Not really. Halloween is the perfect time to show the world your ghoulish… oops, artistic side.

Here are some terrific ideas to get spooky on a budget. Let’s start with the decorations:

Bonus Read: 4 Possible Leaks In Your Budget

Orange And Black

If you had the smarts, you’d have bought all your Halloween decorations well in advance. And by well in advance we mean months beforehand, when nobody really cares about Halloween. That’s when you can get your hands on some cool items for dirt cheap prices. But, since you didn’t think of Halloween then, you have to pay a marked up price for all those macabre and scary things. However, you do have the option to skip past all this.

You don’t have to spell doom on your bank accounts. Instead of walking into a fancy store, visit a local gift store and you’ll surely find spooky items to fit your budget. Another option is to showcase your creative side. Go to a hobby store or an arts and crafts store and pick up some orange and black paper. It won’t cost you more than a few rupees. What freaky things you can make with the paper? YouTube will tell you. Moreover, if you are not really crafty, you’ll successfully end up creating something disturbing and morbid (perfect for the occasion).

Looking Scary

Just wipe away that make-up and get rid of the stubble. The world might let out a scream. If this doesn’t work then take the DIY option.

Open your wardrobe and pull out all the clothes you are looking to give away or abandon. Also, pull out all those pieces of clothing which make you look fat, old, and ugly. They will work very well on Halloween. Just be a little open-minded. For a little more drama, spray some red paint on your clothes and a little on your face. If that’s not dramatic enough, find old cardboard boxes and cut out shapes to stick to your dress. You can choose to look like a robot, a garbage bin, or anything else you can think of.

Another option is to get together with your friends and exchange clothing items. What looks good on your friend might look scary on you.  If your wardrobe doesn’t give you ideas, borrow something from your parents. If you don’t look scary, you’ll surely look laughable.

Don’t forget the makeup. Follow one of those YouTube make up tutorials and you are sure to look like a pumpkin or a petrifying peacock.

Bonus Read: Assessing Your Fiscal Fitness

Feeding Horror

If you don’t know how to cook then today is your day.

You don’t have to worry about cooking a fancy meal. All you need is to stack up on snacks. Nobody is going to down a full meal. Comfort food is cheap and really filling. None of your freaky friends will ask for anything fancy after gobbling down a few fries, pizza slices, and some drinks. If you have unused food coupons, now is the time to put them to good use. Also look for food deals on the day. One-on-one pizza, or a hefty discount on the total bill, will work nicely in your favour.

Want to add horror to the food? Add some dark food colouring or sneeze over it. Don’t forget the candy. Trick-or-Treat.

Party, Games and Everything Else

No party is fun without some loud talking and games. Halloween calls for even more madness. Now that you have taken efforts to look evil and grisly, hold a competition to find out who looks the scariest. It’s a party after all. We don’t need to tell you what the prizes need to be.

It’s Halloween! Share your personal horror stories and don’t forget to carve up some pumpkins.

Haunted House

You can’t be looking all ghoulish and sitting in a well-designed house. The house needs to match your looks. Take inspiration from any alleged haunted houses in town. A natural way to go about it is to not clean your home for a month. The cobwebs, overflowing garbage bin and greasy walls will all add to the feel.

Option 2: Use cardboard boxes, paint, mist and some glitter spray to give your home a ‘graveyard’ look. You can add 3D posters to give your house that trippy feel. Don’t forget the lights. Keep the fairy lights away and get as dark as possible. Play some music in the background and keep it dark.

Bonus Read: 10 Frugal Ways To Save Money On Festive Shopping

No matter how frugal you get, you need to spend some money to get a party going. Owning a Credit Card is of immense help during such trying time. You can make the purchases you want and pay for them later. If you are missing a Credit Card for Halloween, apply for one now so you are ready to party for the New Year at least.

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