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Punjab Gramin Bank – Scheme for Financing Poultry Farming

Purpose                      – For subsidiary activity: Investment credit will be provided in the shape of medium term loan for acquiring fixed assets whereas production credit will be given to meet the working capital requirements in the shape of Short Term Loan.

Investment credit will be provided as medium term loan whereas production credit will be given either in the shape of cash credit limit or as an integral component of investment credit.


Eligibility                     – For subsidiary activity: Small farmers, landless agricultural laborers or any other persons who are under-employed and intend to supplement income through poultry; He should be having adequate land/shed where he/she proposes to establish poultry farm.

The applicant should be well experienced in running poultry unit and should be engaged/ desirous of engaging himself in such an activity on commercial basis as his main vocation. He should be having required land/shed where he intends to establish or enlarge a poultry farm.

Minimum size of the poultry unit to be financed as subsidiary activity should be 500 birds.


Extent of Loan           – Extent of loan will be need-based.


Repayment of Loan   – Production credit, if given as short term loan, would be recovered in maximum period of 18/12 months providing gestation period of 6/3 months in the case of layers and broilers, respectively.

Repayment of investment loan shall start after adequate gestation period (up to 12 months in the case of layers and up to 3 months in the case of broilers)

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