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Meet The Team – The Legal Team


Watch out! It’s the Legal Team come to sue the pants off you. Nah! Just kidding. An incredibly tight-knit and pro-active unit with a strong work ethic, they are the ones stationed at the frontlines, leading the charge for business enablement at BankBazaar. So if you ever need something from them, better make that phone call to your lawyer first.

The Team

The Legal Team is headed by Mr. Parag Mathur (General Counsel and Head of Compliance) who boasts an impressive 19 years of experience in the kind of stuff that makes for great conversation at a cocktail party, like Regulatory Liaison, Insurance & Corporate, JV Management, Compliance, Anti-fraud and Risk Management Framework. The team has grown and flourished exponentially under his able leadership.

Mr. Mathur also seems to have a penchant for people whose names begin with the letter S, since his core team comprises of…wait for it…Sachin, Saeed, Shilpa, Santa, and Shaswat. That’s right. Two cricketers, a film actress, a podgy bearded character, and umm, Shaswat.

Hey, but all joking aside, this super team comes with a wealth of work experience, and have graduated from some of the premier law schools in the country. They are an incredibly proactive bunch for whom thinking outside the box comes quite naturally, making them the go-to team with regards to breaking down barriers and finding solutions.

What Do They Do?

Well, for starters, they aren’t the supporting cast for A Few Good Men. They play a far more vital and important role. You may not know it, but the Legal Team at BankBazaar doesn’t exactly function like their counterparts at other organisations. These guys are right at the forefront, working in tandem with business teams when it comes to closing deals with partners.

They also take care of end-to-end legal in-house advisory, drafting and vetting of agreements, meeting with business partners for negotiations, regulatory compliances, research work, intellectual property filings, formulating company policies and documents, and liaising with the regulators. Gosh! That’s like a premier law firm service under one roof!

Whether it involves driving projects forward, taking ownership, or simply just getting the job done, the Legal Team are not ones to back down from a challenge.

What’s a typical day like?

It isn’t immediately apparent, but the Legal Team are total party animals. They have tea together every morning. Imagine that! After such an intoxicating start to the day, their schedule usually consists of conference calls, meetings, drafting agreements and research work. And to unwind, they totally cut loose over the weekends by watching movies and playing badminton. Who wouldn’t want to paint the town red with these guys?

What are the challenges they face?

While (secretly) their biggest challenge is the horror of running out of teabags, they do come across complex legal situations with overlapping laws that could alter the very course of BankBazaar altogether. Even though it sounds like a lost Star Trek episode, maneuvering past tricky situations like these is what they strive to do and do very well.

Check This: Get social with the Social Team

What do they love about working at BankBazaar?

Apart from the sub-zero air conditioning that everyone seems to be so fond of, the Legal Team loves facing challenges that working in a start-up like BankBazaar brings with it. They also note that the environment at BankBazaar is extremely conducive to learning, with an emphasis on handling diverse responsibilities as well as working in a variety of roles. They are also thrilled at the number of opportunities that crop up every now and then, giving each of them a chance to contribute and make their own inedible mark on the organisation.

Want to be a part of the legal eagle squad?

If hard work coupled with dedication is your forte, and you feel you have strong research skills as well as a problem-solving attitude, you could be exactly what the Legal Team is looking for.

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