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Adarsh bank – Consumer Loan

Adarsh Co-operative bank is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common, economic, social and cultural needs through an owned & democratically controlled enterprise. The bank has been constantly striving to provide better services to exceed customer expectations. The bank offers home loan, personal loan, education loan, business loans etc.

Purpose                      – The loan is offered for the purchase of 2-wheelers, Refrigerator, TV, VCR, CD player, Furniture, Medical Purpose or for Higher Education

Eligibility                     – Salaried, professional or self employed

Quantum of Loan       – Maximum Loan Amount Up to Rs.5, 000

Period                         – Maximum period is up to 5 years

Rate of Interest         – As per the terms and conditions of the bank during the loan approval

Repayment                 – The repayment schedule is drawn up as per borrower’s repaying capacity

Documents Required – Proof of address, identity, Bank account statement etc

Security                      – For Govt. Employees, Salary Certificate is required. Surety at least asked by the bank for both govt. and non-government employees. Other documents can be asked at the time of sanctioning of loans.

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