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4 Slamming Insurance Products To Help You Rest In Peace

4 Slamming Insurance Products To Help You Rest In Peace

4 Slamming Insurance Products To Help You Rest In Peace

With the unexpected and sudden retirement of The Undertaker, one of the most beloved sporting personalities in history brought the curtain down on a stellar career that captured the imagination of fans both young and old all over the world.

For older fans, the Undertaker’s rise to superstardom was reminiscent of a time when things were simple and you didn’t have to worry about Credit Card bills, loan repayments and constant social-media bombardment.

Additional Reading: How To Plan For Your Retirement In Your 50s

It was a time when you got together with kids in your building, or friends from school, and gathered around the television to watch the Phenom lay waste to anyone who dared to stand in his way. But The Undertaker was more than just a wrestler. He was a cultural phenomenon.

For 27 years he inspired awe and respect from all corners of the planet and when he decided to lay down his hat and cape in the middle of the ring, it signalled the end of childhoods everywhere.

As much as we would love to wax lyrical about The Undertaker’s massive influence on the sporting world, we’re going to try and combine the mundane world of insurance with some of the deadman’s most memorable encounters with his fellow wrestlers.

So, as the legendary Jim Ross would say, ‘Bah gawd almighty! Let’s get this show on the road’.

1) Kane you dig it?

The Undertaker’s battles with his half-brother Kane are the stuff of legend. Who can forget the big, red machine’s first appearance? Not only did he make eyes pop and jaws drop, but his frequent falling-outs and team-ups with The Undertaker became a hallmark of the WWE universe.

But, what does this have to do with insurance? Well, for starters, if you ever came up against a gigantic monstrosity like Kane, or even the Undertaker for that matter, you better have a really good Health Insurance policy in your corner simply because things aren’t probably going to end very well for you.

Health Insurance covers various medical expenses that you or your family may incur such as pre as well as post-hospitalisation, ambulance charges and much more. In fact, acquiring a Medical Insurance policy is quite simple nowadays, since you can purchase one online without having to go through an agent.

So, just in case you happen to somehow end up at the wrong end of a chokeslam, at least you can be sure your Health Insurance plan will get you back on your feet in no time.

2) For the benefit of all Mankind

Quite possibly one of The Undertaker’s most unrelenting and vicious opponents ever, the deranged Mankind’s beef with the Phenom ranked high up on the list of wrestling’s most fearsome rivalries.

The first ever boiler room match set down a marker for no holds barred brutality that has scarcely been topped since, but the defining moment of their titanic feuds took place when The Undertaker chokeslammed Mankind through the top of a steel cage and sent him crashing over 20 feet to the canvas below.

While the match eventually became part of wrestling folklore, you certainly wouldn’t want anything adversely affecting the safety and integrity of your house. This is exactly why you need to take out a solid Home Insurance policy to safeguard your home against any loss that may arise due to either natural or man-made causes.

With Home Insurance, you can cover yourself against any financial liabilities you may suffer due to any damages to your home or the contents within it. Home Insurance plans are easy to apply for and the payouts you receive through your Home Insurance policy can be of huge financial assistance during difficult times.

Additional Reading: A Quick Guide To Home Insurance

3) Oh, no! It’s Yoko

Many of you may recall The Undertaker’s colossal quarrels with the gargantuan Yokozuna back in the day. You could literally feel the earth quake when these two mammoth specimens squared off in the ring. While Yokozuna was a constant thorn in the side of the Phenom, it was the casket matches between the two that still live long in the memory of long-time wrestling aficionados.

But what does this have to do with insurance, you may ask? Well, we’re talking about Life Insurance to be more precise. But, then again, what does a ‘deadman’ have to do with Life Insurance. Well, if you happen to get stuffed into a casket by a giant sumo wrestler (and 11 other wrestlers at the same time) like The Undertaker did, then you would do well to have already taken out a good Life Insurance policy to provide for your family after your passing.

A good Life Insurance plan ensures that your family’s financial needs are well taken care of,  if you happen to meet with an unfortunate demise, by providing huge sums assured that they will receive either in the form of a lump sum or in the form of instalments.

This amount can be used to meet huge expenses such as education fees, wedding expenditure and much more. Unless you happen to be like The Undertaker, who constantly ‘rises from the dead’, a Life Insurance policy keeps your family financially afloat in your absence.

Additional Reading: The Definitive Guide To Buying Term Life Insurance

4) One Giant leap for man

Here’s a real trip down memory lane. How many of you remember The Undertaker’s fierce but short-lived tussle with the monstrous Giant Gonzalez? Although Giant Gonzalez was truly a fearsome physical specimen, he could never really best the Phenom due to his awkward and lumbering presence.

However, he did manage to give The Undertaker his fair share of scares as he sent the deadman flying on more than one occasion thanks to the massive elevation he managed to achieve due to his size.

Speaking of flying, if you’re planning to head out on vacation and are already in the process of booking your flight tickets, make sure you don’t leave without getting yourself a Travel Insurance policy.

A Travel Insurance plan may cover you against various kinds of mishaps on your travels such as delayed or cancelled flights, loss of baggage, medical emergencies, legal expenses and even terrorist threats and hijackings.

And if you happen to run into an 8-foot-tall colossus like Giant Gonzalez, better make sure you keep your passport ready.

Additional Reading: Why You Should Never Go On Vacation Without Travel Insurance

As far as tributes go, this may seem a bit subdued. However, if there’s one thing we learned from The Undertaker, it’s to take any challenge head-on and always stay ahead of the game.

It certainly is one of life’s ironies that a ‘deadman’ can teach us to get the most out of life.


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