Try and pay the down payment from your own money, savings or by liquidating some assets. Opting for a personal loan can be a costly affair, as interest rates are very high. If you don’t have enough savings or assets to pay up the money, then its wise to wait and build assets and savings that can come handy for the downpayment, when the time is right.
Down payment generally amounts to 10-20% of the total cost of the home, as banks generally fund only about 80- 85% of the loan amount. This is to make sure the buyer has some stake in maintaining the property. Also, this ensures that the loan amount lent by the bank is always lower than the market value of the house.
Age of the building
Another factor banks consider while determining the total amount to lend, is the age of the building. Depending on the age of the building the down payment is likely to increase, the older the more down payment, you may need to shell out. The Bank always decides the home loan eligibility based on the property first. This means if the building is old and the down payment chunk is huge, banks will still insist on the down payment, even if your income can easily qualify for larger loan amount. Banks adhere to such measures to safeguard their interests and to help them indulge in safe lending operations.
Make as much down payment as possible
Try and pay the down payment from your own money, savings or by liquidating some assets. Opting for a personal loan can be a costly affair, as interest rates are very high. If you don’t have enough savings or assets to pay up the money, then its wise to wait and build assets and savings that can come handy for the downpayment, when the time is right.
The concept of a down payment exists due the following reasons:
a. It indicates borrower’s credit worthiness due to access to the down payment
b. The amount of real investment a borrower has in their purchase, and their fidelity in continuing to make payments regularly are linked
c. It acts as a sort of insurance for lenders, since borrowers know that if they default on their loan; they will not only lose the property but their down payment as well
d. It ensures that the buyer (borrower) has some stake in maintaining the property
e. It ensures that banks are protected from fall in interest rates since the amount that they lend is lower than the market value of the house. Therefore, if there is a fall, they can still recover the losses
Additional Reading: Pay Your Property Tax Online