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The Messes I’d Unmake; The Blunders I’d Undo!

Credit Cards are like friendships You must choose them wisely as they can be a source of great support or a cause for a major downfall! Now, let’s dive into the narrative tale of a Credit Card journey gone awry and how you must learn from it!


I’ve got a tale I’d like to share, a lesson learned in strife,

Of Credit Cards and careless swipes that tangled up my life.

You see, I thought I had it down, my finances under reign,

But oh, the blunders I did make — I’ll never trust again!

Now here I stand, to tell of the woes, I clearly did not see,

Of Credit Scores and hidden fees that took their toll on me.

So, gather ’round, and heed my words, avoid what I’ve been through,

For these are the messes financially, I wish I could undo!


Let’s start the tale with how I raced to spend more than I earned,

My Credit Card so happily in hand, moving at every turn!

It all began with plastic dreams, so shiny and so new,

But now I’m stuck with APRs, it’s more than I can chew!


First mistake, I’ll tell you straight, is the fine print I ignored,

Now all my bills are coming due and it’s what I can’t afford!

As time went by, the clock struck twelve, my honeymoon was done,

With interest piled as unpaid bills, my debt was half a tonne!


And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the rewards they called loud,

“Spend more and you’ll get cashback, you’ll feel so very proud!”

But points that seemed so shiny were really quite a trick,

For by the time I earned enough, I could only buy a brick!

The wrong card, oh what a choice, it didn’t fit my need,

I picked the one with bonus air miles, though I barely leave my street.

Had I gone for one with balance sense, or suited to my spend,

I’d not be dodging monthly bills, wishing they’d just end.

Additional reading:
Revealed: The Best Time To Pay Your Credit Card Bill

And let’s not forget that glorious myth — “Credit’s free to play!”

I swiped for shoes, and swiped for food, and swiped my woes away.

Until my balance hit the roof, like Everest, tall and high,

I glanced at my Credit Score — oh my, I started to cry!


A score so low it dug a hole, below the earth it sank,

I tried to fix it, bit by bit, but the bank just pulled a blank.

Late payments, minimum dues, those fees I did neglect,

And now I’m in the credit trap, a cruel, complex effect.

Missed a payment? It’s a hit! Don’t think you’ll sneak it through,

The credit agencies will be after you — they’re watching what you do.

That “one time” slip, “I’ll pay next week,” — it comes with quite a cost,

Your shiny score, once beaming bright, can quickly end up lost.


The old revolving balance game, it’s one I played too long,

Paid the minimum every month, thought there was nothing wrong.

But interest bloomed like weeds on grass, it grew and grew and grew,

Before I knew it, I was trapped, like the icky gum stuck on my shoe!


Then I longed for the older days, when cash was king in hand,

No important terms or fine details, just rupees at my command.

But alas, my messes haunt me still, a scrawl of reckless nights,

I swore I’d budget — next month, for sure! Then swipe for pizza bites.

Additional reading:
How 1 Late Payment Knocked 117 Points Off This Person’s Credit Score

Oh, how I wish I could rewind, select with wisdom’s might,

A Credit Card that fits my life, with perks that feel just right.

No more misguided spending sprees or choosing for a show,

I’d pick the one that’s practical — not just for status, no!

And as for Credit Scores, dear friends, don’t let yours hit the floor,

Check it FREE, it costs you not and helps you even more.

For every swipe and every slip leaves marks you may not see,

But banks and lenders check it twice, so don’t leave it to be!

So, here’s my tale of financial woe, my blunders now in ink,

If only I’d read up and planned, and did more think, think, think!

But lessons were learned, now here I stand, a wiser me today,

With better choices, cleaner scores, and bills I do repay!

The moral of this cautionary yarn? Don’t let your slip-ups brew,

Select the card that’s right for you to keep your credit true.

For the games we play with plastic cash can quickly turn askew,

And leave you with a trail of messes, plus blunders you’d undo!

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