Category Archives: Personal Loans

Loans given for various personal uses

10 Things You Should NOT Do With A Personal Loan

A Personal Loan is perfect for all those times when you are urgently in need of financial aid. But just like you shouldn’t take advantage of a friend who agrees to bail you out in an emergency, you shouldn’t take advantage of the liberties afforded by a Personal Loan. Here are 10 things you should not do with your Personal Loan.

Personal Loan Handbook: All Questions Answered

A Personal Loan is a one-stop solution for all your financial needs. It’s disbursed without a question, hence, making it easier for you to utilize the fund for anything (legally) under the sun. But, the path to finding your perfect Personal Loan match is fraught with questions. And, we have the answers. Yes, all of them, in this handbook. Give it a read and pass it on.