The COVID-19 situation calls for calm-headed decisions that help you fortify your household finances and come out of the crisis unharmed. We’re putting together a series of suggestions to help you deal with various facets of your finances.
The Central Know Your Customer Registry (CKYC) helps financial institutions skip the lengthy process of on boarding customers by making all relevant information abut potential customers available in one place. Find out more.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a majority of us to work from home for an indefinite period of time. But how economical is it to work from home and will WFH become the new office post COVID-19?
Health Insurance claims filed thus far for COVID-19 treatment range between Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 4.5 lakhs. How much health cover would you require? Is Rs. 5 lakhs good enough? We’re breaking it down for you.
The IRDAI, India’s insurance regulator, has introduced an affordable, standard Health Insurance policy that must be offered by all general and standalone health insurance companies. Here’s all you need to know about the Arogya Sanjeevani Policy.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put an unprecedented number of people in need of medical attention across the world. Insurers in India have taken a cue and launched insurance products to respond to this need. Here are COVID-19-specific insurance policies currently being offered in India.
The RBI’s loan deferment announcement amid the COVID-19 outbreak is a welcome relief to borrowers. However, consider these details before you take a decision to either avail the moratorium or continue paying your EMIs.