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What is a good credit score for any kind of loan? or does it differ across types of loans?
Hi Spazzy McGhee,
Generally a score of about 750 is a good score to apply for any kind of loan or Credit Cards. However, this number may vary from bank to bank.
If you’d like to check your score for free, click here.
Team BankBazaar
Love Drama Lama and his misadventures! I always wait for this series. You guys should be more regular and do one every week or more. Want to ask something. Is Drama Lama a real character or a fictional one or inspired by someone? He is so cute! I woud love to get in touch with him. He reminds me of someone I used to like. He was in a band and used to sing. The guitar in Drama Lama’s tees reminds me more of him. Please tell me. That guy was intelligent though but shares Drama Lama’s childishness. It would be a remarkable coincidence if this is him.
Thanks, Rhea
Hi rhea,
Thanks for writing in. We’re glad you enjoy our Drama Lama series. We will try to get more of these out.
We’d like to add that the character is purely fictional and any resemblance to actual persons (or animals) living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental 😉
Team BankBazaar
Hhai how much is credit reprort amt? whr I can get for free?
Hi Moffatlal, Guess what? You can check your score on BankBazaar.com for FREE. Click here. You would have otherwise had to pay Rs. 399 for it. Cheers, Team BankBazaar
Whr link? I’m clickng lik anything.
Hi Moffatlal,
Please use this link to check your Credit Score for free.
Team BankBazaar