TVS anticipates increase in market share despite rise in car loans

By | August 25, 2010

Two and three wheeler manufacturer TVS Motor is planning to sell its liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) powered three wheelers on a big scale to new permit holders in Tamil Nadu.

The Tamil Nadu government has plans to give 8,000 new autorickshaw permits (3,100 in Chennai and 4,900 in remainder parts of the state) during the initial phase.

HS Goindi, president (Marketing) said, “We are hoping to get 20 per cent share of the new market that has come up now. However, capacity is the only major constraint for us to cater to the new huge demand that is set to emerge following the issue of new permits”.

Goindi also said, “It will take time for the permit holders to tie up finance and decide on the model purchase. We are geared to cater to new demand. Most of the Indian states are now issuing new permits which in turn augurs well for us”.

Recently, TVS Motors has hiked its three wheeler sales. Its sales in the previous month was 3,108 units.

Increasing three wheeler sales for the tenure April-July 2010 were 10,907 units.

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