Category Archives: directory specials

How to Formulate Your Investment Plan?

If you are new to the investing routine or if you are an old player in the field of investments, it is important for you to remember one thing- formulate your investment plan with great diligence. It is not only important to start your investment routine with proper planning in the initial phase, but also… Read More »

How To Handle A Mutual Fund Merger

The year 2011 had witnessed a steep rise in the number of mutual fund mergers, wherein a mutual fund house merges its schemes together. This is done for the purposes of hiding the deplorable performance of a mutual fund scheme, or to prevent the retention of its assets or redemption, by merging it with a… Read More »

How to Choose Your Financial Products!

Investors, who are new to the markets, may not have the prior knowledge of when, where and by how much they need to invest their funds but they are determined to watch their investments grow. If you believe opting for debt like personal loans, home loans is not your cup of tea and if you… Read More »

How to Invest in Deflationary Times

With rising fears that the economy may move towards deflation, especially since the wholesale price index is fast moving towards zero, there is no denying that the economy is in a state of fear. With the arrival of deflation, there is an immediate and urgent need to change your current strategies of investment. This is… Read More »

Align Your Needs With Your Financial Goals!

Most financial advisors advise investors to secure their financial future which can be done by linking their goals with their financial investments. Doing so, they can ensure that they get funds for completing their requirements as and when they crop up without having to dependent excessively on debt. For example, if you plan to buy… Read More »

How to Build Your Portfolio Wisely?

Many times it has been observed that, people do take the point of savings and investing quite seriously but at times ignore some points that are quite vital for generating good returns to your portfolio. This generally happens when investors are carried away by the benefits provided by some assets and invest more than what… Read More »

How to Calculate Returns on your Mutual Fund

An integral part of financial planning is the regular and periodic evaluation of your investments. This is a golden rule which must be followed by investors at all times, irrespective of whether an investor invest in mutual funds, debt instruments, equities, commodities, or a combination of all these categories. If this is not done, then… Read More »

How to Choose A Viable Debt Fund

Over the last few years, economists have seen a trend wherein people spend a lot of time fretting over the choice of their mutual fund, than what is done for the selection of debt funds. Although it may seem that the choice of debt funds may be relatively easy, its contrary holds true. Debt funds… Read More »