Category Archives: Home Insurance

Insurance cover for property against damage due to natural or man-made causes

How Much Home Insurance Do I Need?

: It’s sensible to insure your home against natural and man-made calamities – better safe than sorry if disaster strikes. So buying a comprehensive Home Insurance policy is as important as buying a home. Let’s help you make an informed decision about how much Home Insurance you will need (you can thank us later!)

When should you re-evaluate your insurance needs?

When it drizzles, a hanky over your head probably suffices. When it pours, you probably pull out your umbrella. But, when it is pounding, you’d better pull on your rain-sheeter and  scramble for the nearest cover. Insurance is no different. Here are some good God-given reasons why you’d re-evaluate how much cover you need. Increasing… Read More »

Are buildings in India safe?

As per Delhi government, 6.5% houses in Delhi have high damage risk and 85.5% have moderate damage risk (going by the Vulnerability Atlas of India (1997), in the event of an earthquake of intensity 8). If an earthquake similar to one that struck Japan, struck Delhi, as per the experts the devastation will be unimaginable.

How critical is home insurance?

Are we personally capable to financially withstand if our property were to be hit by a Tsunami like Japan. The Recent Japanese earthquake & Tsunami loss is estimated at $309 billion. The numbers would be mind boggling if we convert to Indian currency!