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Longer repayment tenure or a higher EMI for personal loans!

While looking for a good deal on a personal loan there is always the dichotomy of choosing between a longer repayment tenure that makes the EMIs comfortable and shorter period that has a higher EMI but ultimately saves on interest paid out. There several kinds of offers on personal loans which are being advertised and advocated by the various financiers. Even some banks offer a repayment period up to 7 years for a personal loan to customers who found it difficult to bear higher EMIs on bigger loan amounts. One needs to understand a few features of the personal loans and their implications on the net amount paid out in order arrive at a correct decision in this regard that shall suit his requirement.

Few Essential Facts for Understanding

Here are some essential facts that every personal loan borrower must keep in mind before starting any kind of analysis.

The Significance of the Repayment Tenure

The repayment tenure that is agreed upon by both the parties at the time availing the personal loan is one of the most important factors that will determine the actual amount that is paid out by the end of repayment. This figure shall also determine the kind of interest rate regime that is applicable for that particular personal loan.

Most financiers charge lower rates for shorter duration loans and vice versa. Thus ultimately the repayment tenure will decide the total amount to be paid back and thereby directly influence the EMI which is applicable.

Thus any increase in the repayment period will have a two fold impact. Firstly the total interest increases as the interest is paid for a longer time. Secondly the total interest further increases as a higher rate of interest is now charges from the beginning.


If you take a personal loan of Rs 1 lakh to with tenure of 3 years with a interest rate of 16 % then the EMI will be Rs. 3515 and the total interest paid in the end will be Rs. 26565. But by increasing the tenure to a period of 7 years, the EMI will now become Rs. 1986 and the total interest paid will go up to Rs. 66840. But by increasing the tenure the bank will increase the interest rate which if calculates at 18 % will imply the total interest paid on the loan comes to Rs. 76550 in a period of 7 years.

However before deciding on a shorter tenure one must keep in mind the ability to cope up with a higher EMI. In case one not able to keep up with the high EMI then there is the problem of defaulting and thereby incurring high rates of penalties which will increase the burden further in a compounding manner.

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