How To Protect Your Credit Card

A Credit Card is a tiny but valuable piece of plastic and just like any other thing of value, needs to be protected. Beyond the usual precautionary measures, such as keeping it safe in your wallet or cupboard and of course, committing your pin number to memory, a little bit of diligence can go a long way towards keeping your Credit Card information safe and secure.

5 SUVs To Watch Out For In 2016

The rising popularity of SUVs in India increases the demand for a larger variety. This brings in more launches of SUVs in 2016. SUVs are known for their comfortable interiors and attractive exteriors. If you are planning to buy an SUV, you must check these 5 upcoming vehicles, which are the buzz of the town right now, and are expected to be launched in India in 2016.

Best Practices for Mobile Banking

While our lifestyles have become increasingly fast-paced, our banking habits have also evolved. Banking facilities couldn’t be more convenient with the advent of Mobile Banking. Now, we carry our bank accounts in our pockets. Here are some of the Dos and Don’ts of Mobile Banking to help you get the most out of this service.

Ways to improve your Credit Score

It’s often said money can buy anything. You can buy Health Insurance with money, but money will not help you buy health. Ever heard of a Credit Score? Put simply, a Credit score is a barometer of your financial health. It is important for you to maintain a healthy Credit Score. Read on to learn about the best ways to improve your Credit Score and maintain a good financial credibility.

Top 5 Cars With Great Resale Value In India

In India, you may probably find a larger market for used cars than new ones. The trade-off margin is quite wide and tons of people prefer used, nifty cars available for a much lower price than their fresher siblings. If you are thinking of buying a car, be it used or new, make sure you read this. Also, have you checked the loan options for pre-used cars?

Decoding Mutual Funds

What’s the first thought that crosses your mind when you hear the word Mutual Funds? Confusion galore? Is the concept of Mutual Funds all Greek and Latin to you? We have the answers for you! We’ll help you decode all this with our handy Beginner’s Guide to investing in Mutual Funds. Read on to find out how Mutual Funds and Systematic Investment Plans work.

Services Affected By The Swachh Bharat Cess

So, you want to help clean up your neighbourhood? Here’s a new way to do that. All the bills for these services will now include the Swachh Bharat Cess and the funds collected will go towards the promotion of cleanliness initiatives to help create a cleaner and greener India! Find out what the Swachh Bharat Cess means and how it will affect you.

Category: Tax

News Bites

Want to know what’s new in the world of finance? Read all about the latest news and developments that are relevant to you. Get bite sized updates about the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, the introduction of the Rupee Bond, the annual increase in government employee’s wages, NRI Deposits and bad loans by public sector banks.