Tag Archives: msn

Renting a house? Here is your legal checklist!

The verification of these documents are critical, though commercial establishments that take office premises have a legal team to handle the formalities often the lone individual in search of a comfy apartment does not often realize the significance of such things nor do they actually get a chance to verify these details.

Selling property? Watch out for these!

During the time Rahul remained invested in his property, the stock markets also reached new highs. Now the returns from stock market are much higher than the returns from property. Besides the holding period for stocks is just 1 year after which long term capital gains tax sets in. Rahul lost this opportunity to earn… Read More »

Planning an Overseas Trip? Some tips!

Getting a travel insurance policy is slowly becoming an indispensable part of a traveller’s list of ‘must-have’ things. The basic purpose of opting for travel insurance is to safeguard against high medical costs as well as baggage delay or loss. Other eventualities covered include loss of passport, missed flights, financial emergencies and housebreak when the… Read More »

A note on tax saving bonds

RBI issues tax-free ‘RBI Relief Bonds’ which offer 8.5% interest rate compounded every 6 months. The bonds are extremely safe and mature in 5 years. A special feature is that these can be pledged as securities in a bank for borrowing credit. RBI Relief Bonds can be sold to another party in the secondary equity… Read More »

How are home loans treated for tax?

If Sunil works in Mumbai and has a purchased a home in Mumbai for which he has taken home loan. Will he still get benefit under the Act for this second home in Nagpur? The answer is ‘Yes’. Benefits under Section 80C and Section 24(b) can be taken for more than one home if all… Read More »