Applying for a Personal Loan should always be a well-informed decision. A small oversight could harm your finances a great deal. We’ve got you covered.
Here are a few thumb rules:
Keep Your EMIs Low
Keep your EMIs as low as possible so that it doesn’t take up a major chunk of your monthly take-home salary. This will keep you prepared for any financial emergencies.
Purchase Sensibly
Using funds to purchase assets that depreciate in value is not considered a good idea. Such purchases do not provide value for money and become a burden to your finances. What you need and what you want are two very different things.
Prepayment Options
Try and opt for Personal Loans from institutions that do not charge a pre-payment penalty. This can work to your advantage when you have some extra funds.
Explore Your Options
We’re a generation spoilt for choices. With many financial institutions offering personal loans with varied interest rates/ tenure, zero in on whatever suits your needs. Of course, we can help.