Category Archives: Health Insurance

Insurance cover for health risks

Your Guide To Critical Illness Riders

Is a Term Plan enough for all your insurance needs? What if you suffer a critical illness like a heart attack, cancer or a stroke? What if, as a consequence, you are unable to work and earn a living? Sounds a bit scary, doesn’t it? Well, this is where a critical illness rider comes into play. We’re going to tell you all about it.

All About Maternity Cover

Maternity insurance is not available as a stand-alone policy. You need to choose it as an add-on cover to your Health Policy. Read about how useful a maternity cover can be and remember to go through the terms and conditions before choosing one.

Ensure You Are Healthy But Be Insured To Stay Wealthy

With medical inflation galloping in double digits, it is important to remain healthy. But, given today’s lifestyle and the stressful nature of jobs, this could be tough. This is why it is important to have an insurance plan in place so that you don’t lose out in case your health fails.