A bad credit history can not only hamper your chances of loan or Credit Card approval but can also decrease your chances of securing a good job. Read on.
An excellent Credit Score will get your loan application approved in a jiffy. But what should you do if you find errors in your credit report? We’ll tell you all about it here.
Prepaying your Home Loan can be a bit tricky, especially when you’re not aware of the formalities and extra charges involved in the process. Read on to get a good understanding of the concept.
ECS or Electronic Clearing Service is a common form of transferring funds from one bank account to another, but as a concept it is also mired in confusion. We’ll clear the air here.
The best way to deal with your bonus is to treat it as regular income and invest it into lucrative avenues where it’ll multiply by many folds. Here are a few suggestions.
Make this #DiwaliBonusWali. Shop for Personal Loan, Car Loan, Home Loan or Credit Card on BankBazaar.com this festive season and win free gift vouchers!
Diwali may be a time to celebrate in a whirlwind of colour and light, but with crackers proving to be a potential fire hazard, here’s how a Home Insurance policy can protect your home from possibly going up in flames.