The IRDAI, India’s insurance regulator, has introduced an affordable, standard Health Insurance policy that must be offered by all general and standalone health insurance companies. Here’s all you need to know about the Arogya Sanjeevani Policy.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put an unprecedented number of people in need of medical attention across the world. Insurers in India have taken a cue and launched insurance products to respond to this need. Here are COVID-19-specific insurance policies currently being offered in India.
Millennials are right there, young enough to adapt to modern ways yet old enough to have had a taste of simpler times. But are they good with finances? Let’s discuss!
The RBI’s loan deferment announcement amid the COVID-19 outbreak is a welcome relief to borrowers. However, consider these details before you take a decision to either avail the moratorium or continue paying your EMIs.
The RBI allowed all lending institutions to offer a six-month moratorium to borrowers on repayment of all term loans including Credit Card dues. Read this to find out what your bank is offering and how to avail it.
The RBI has given a three-month moratorium on loan repayments in light of COVID-19’s impact on the economy and consequently on people’s jobs. But is it a good idea to defer payment of your loan dues? Let’s find out.
At BankBazaar, we’re doing our best to cope with the challenges presented by the spread of COVID-19. At the same time, we’re ensuring that the best interests of our employees, customers and business partners are at the heart of all decisions.
Want to make the best of the lockdown? Use the time you have to get your finances in order before you go back to the rat race! Read on to find out how you can do just that.
Missing the great outdoors at this time of isolation? It’s time to look inward (literally) and make the most of staying indoors; your finances will thank you!