Category Archives: Union Budget

2014 budget – The expectations!

The New Government is in place. So, obviously a new finance minister too is in place. Even more obviously the expectations have begun about what the upcoming budget holds in store for us, the citizens of India.   Although the way in which the government has been given a majority, many people expect drastic changes… Read More »

The Indian farmer and budget 2013-14!

“India is poor because rural India is poor and Rural India is poor because the farmer living in the rural area is poor”, said Mahatma Gandhi. Before the Budget the Farming community expected financial reforms that ensure credit flow, and proper extension mechanism, fair prices for their produce and better earnings and livelihoods. The major… Read More »

How budget 2013 affects the SME!

SMEs in India had a lot of expectations from Budget 2013 mainly because it is the last budget before the general elections in the country. Union Budget 2012 was considered as the most ‘anti-reform’ budget in the history of India. Given to the background of huge fiscal deficit, depreciating currency and sluggish growth, a non-trivial… Read More »

Budget 2013 – Effects on Women!

Women were expected to be given importance in this year’s Budget, considering their increasing importance in different areas in the economy – both as homemakers and as working women.  The Budget was a mixed bag for women, with some positives and some expectations not met.

Proposals directed at your purse!

What will be cheaper? Leather goods including footwear should cost lower if the manufacturers pass on the duty reduction (from 7.5% to 5%) to consumers Pre-forms precious and semi-precious stones would cost lower as a result of duty reduction from 10% to 2%. It should help women shine more J Women and to some extent… Read More »