With women’s empowerment rising in magnitude, here’s how financially independent women everywhere can throw down the proverbial gauntlet and take control of their money. Happy Women’s Day!
Financial planning isn’t quite different for men and women. However, given the selfless, caring nature that women inherently possess, they could ignore their own finances. So, here’s the plan to get it right.
Stereotypes have plagued our lives for years now, and finance is no exception to this phenomenon. Here are some gender-based stereotypes broken and crushed once and for all!
Much has been said about men “taking charge” when it comes to their finances while women “take care”. However, experts believe that men can take a leaf from women’s playbook when it comes to managing their finances.
While women’s empowerment has been a recent development in human society, wild animals have always been ahead of the game with ruling matriarchs. Here are some leadership lessons from nature’s queens!