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I am 68 pensioner from ( DOT ) Now BSNL , I am still doing job in s pvt limited company , salary being 8 k INR , pension being 10 k INR PLUS I have non taxable Agricultural Income ( no documentary proof ) . The company pays me salary cash and not by check . Therefore In spite I have sufficient monthly as well as Annual Income . I am an IT Assesse and this year I shall pay Tax in First Slab . My Loan requirement is very Small . I want to purchase a new Hero Splendor so that I can turn upon and come back home after my duty hours .MY TRAGEDY IS THAT , I HAVE NO VISIBLE INCOME WHICH CAN ATTRACT FINANCIERS TO COME TO MY RESCUE . Kindly suggest some ALTERNATE & oblidge please , Thanks .
Hi Mohammad,
We are sorry we do not provide Two Wheeler Loans. If you get in touch with your bank, they might be able to work something out for you.
Team BankBazaar
we are acsept
Hi Jabir, Could you please specify what you have accepted ? Let us know if we can help you with anything. Cheers, Team BankBazaar
I want home loan
Hi Ritin singh,
You can check your eligibility for a Home Loan by clicking on this link.
Team BankBazaar