Meet The Team – The Legal Team

Watch out! It’s the Legal Team come to sue the pants off you. Nah! Just kidding. An incredibly tight-knit and pro-active unit with a strong work ethic, they are the ones stationed at the frontlines, leading the charge for business enablement at BankBazaar.

Refund Of Lifetime Road Tax

What happens to the lifetime road tax that you paid for your vehicle when you move from one state to another? Do you pay the road tax again in the new state? Can you get a refund? Find out.

Category: Tax

Shadow Banking Explained

Shadow banking refers to those non-banking financial intermediaries that provide services similar to traditional commercial banks but aren’t regulated by the depository authorities which rule traditional banks. Keep reading to know more.

This Gandhi Jayanti Keep It Simple

Mahatma Gandhi is the epitome of simplicity and righteousness. Just like Gandhi helped us win freedom, we wish to help you win freedom from your financial woes with Instant Loan and Credit Card approval.