6 Ridiculous Credit Score Myths Busted

Indians are traditionally brought up with the philosophy that all credit is bad and we should never seek credit unless absolutely necessary. But without any credit line, you will have no credit score; which is a paramount yardstick for your financial health. You might be hurting your credit score unknowingly. Credit scores come with so… Read More »

The Top Reasons why Gold Prices are Falling

What’s common between tennis star Rafael Nadal and gold prices? Obviously the fall. If Nadal’s wins and the gold prices were linked, and if he’d won two of the four grand slams in 2013, the gold prices would have been at a majestic Rs 2,910 per gram (22 carat) in October 2013. But the reality… Read More »

Is it Time to Review Your Life Insurance?

So you’ve planned ahead and bought a life insurance policy. And why wouldn’t you? Firstly, it can support your family financially in case something untoward happens to you suddenly. Secondly, it eases your loved ones’ financial burden in times of loss. Thirdly, it is a good personal finance risk management tool. But, do you know… Read More »

RBI Cuts Repo Rate by 0.5%: What This Means For You

  The Reserve Bank of India has cut the repo rate (the rate at which it lends to other banks) by 50 basis points, or 0.5%. In a move that caught many sections of investors by surprise, the Fourth Bimonthly Monetary Policy Review of the RBI reduced the repo rate to 6.75%, down from 7.25% earlier.… Read More »

5 Kinds of Loan Seekers You Might Know

We all have certain common characters in our lives. The nosy aunty, the grumpy man down the street, the fashionista; we all know somebody who fits in these characters. Similarly, there are different attitudes people take towards loans. Which character do you relate to?    

5 Clever Tips to get Better Rates on Personal Loans

Be it buying a gadget online, getting the best airline deal or holiday package, there are always tips and tricks to get the best deals. We have some tips laid out for personal loans too. Just tweaking your personal loan application or following some basic tips, can get you lower interest rate for your loans.… Read More »

Money Management Tips for the Single Mother

Being a single mother can be really hard. Everything needs to be taken care of so that your children can lead a comfortable life. It all gets just that much easier if your finances are sorted out. Here’s the example of Priya Raman who faced a similar situation. Priya Raman lost her husband unexpectedly in… Read More »