A Credit Card can come in handy in many situations. Hence, its use has increased significantly over time… so has its misuse. Here are a few tips to prevent fraudulent activity on your card.
- Never respond to emails asking for your card details. No matter how official it may seem, banks will never ask you for such sensitive details over email.
- Unsecured websites are a strict no. Ensure that the address displays ‘https’ and is certified by a trusted company like VeriSign.
- Never write your PIN on the credit card. A PIN is usually issued for cash advances. Writing your PIN on the card or the protective cover enclosing it poses a risk of misuse in case you lose it.
- Scan your statements. Go through your statement carefully to check for any unauthorised transactions. If you notice any, alert your bank immediately.
- Only deal with reputable businesses. With e-commerce websites on the rise, online shopping has increased drastically over the last few years. Retailers may ask for your credit card number, expiry date and CVV number over the phone but NEVER your PIN.
- Monitor delivery time. If the delivery of your new card appears to be slow, check with your bank / courier services. Your card might have fallen into the wrong hands.
We hope this helps. Now that you’re prepared, take a look at our Credit Card offers.
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