Tag Archives: msnquad

What is the current state of ELSS?

Until now, Equity Linked Service Scheme (ELSS) has been one of the first-choice mutual funds for investors. It has two benefits as it helps you save on tax and at the same time helps you invest in the stock market. The 3 year lock-in period ensures that the investment is long-term and also is protected… Read More »

Some basic facts about investing in mutual funds

High on risk and high on return are Equity funds. Also known as Growth Schemes, the aim of these schemes is to provide capital appreciation over medium to long term. These schemes normally invest a major part of their fund in equities and are willing to bear short-term decline in value for possible future appreciation.

Planning to invest? Read this!

It is important to compare the performance of the fund with the funds having the same profile. E.g. a small-cap fund must be compared against another small-cap fund. Don’t compare it with a banking fund, as both the funds have different profiles. Also compare the performance of the fund vis-à-vis its benchmark index.

LAP – fund source in the hour of need!

The loan amount you can avail for this loan depends on the value of the property, which you place as your collateral for the loan. This can range anywhere between 1 lakh and 3 crores. This comes with the risk of giving up your home if you are unable to repay the amount in full.… Read More »