Once you complete your education what should you do first? Pay your Education Loan or put money into a lucrative investment plan? The answer is, both! Let’s see how to go about it.
A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a method which allows investors to invest a certain amount of money in a Mutual Fund over a period of time. Let’s read more about it to find out how it works.
There are six things the Lord of Personal Finance hates, seven that are detestable: procrastination, greed, impulsiveness, disorganisation, gullibility, cowardice, imprudence. If you’re a sinner, here’s how to seek redemption.
Arbitrage, in finance, equates to risk-free return. While the concept sounds confusing, we can decode arbitrage funds for you. Read on to learn everything you need to know.
Gold and silver have always been coveted assets. Now that the financial world is witnessing a meltdown, does it make sense investing in them? Find out.
We’ll tell you why Balanced Funds are good for you to invest in in 2016. They have a mix of equity and debt investments, and hence, are a stable option for those investors who are not comfortable with taking a high degree of risk with investments.
There are a couple of things you should consider before deciding whether or not ULIPs are suitable for you. Here are two important aspects to look at before investing in a ULIP.