If you’re looking for a role model to help you save money and cut corners when it comes to spending, then look no further than extraordinary Indramani Das, AVP Digital Marketing at BankBazaar.
We asked BankBazaar Chief Technology Officer Murari Sridharan to talk to us about the trends and troubles of the Fintech Industry. His insights are truly informative. Read on to find out more.
What’s new in the #PaperlessFinance world? Watch Arvind Kapil, Group Head (Retail Assets, Unsecured Loans), HDFC Bank talk about some noteworthy trends.
The digital revolution has modernised and reconditioned every little aspect of our lives. This article talks about its impact on banking and Home Loans in particular.
Been waiting for that raise for quite some time now? Well, we can’t predict when you’ll get that. But we sure can help you treat yourself to a raise. Excited much? Read on.
JAM, an initiative recommended by the Economic Survey of India, is geared towards improving the quality of life of Indians. Read on to know more about the program and its future.
While demonetisation has polarised opinion across the country, we’ve put together 5 instances that have raised quite a few eyebrows during these strange times.
What’s the whole buzz about cashless economies? Where do we stand and will we ever become a cashless nation? Will the cashless economy dream ever come true? Maybe, maybe not! Anyway, let’s find out.