Common Personal Loan Mistakes

While personal loans are by and large designed to help you out of your times of trouble, being careful about what you’re committing to in the next few months is just looking out for yourself. Let’s talk about the common mistakes to look out for!

4 Ways to Track Your Credit Card Expenses

In the world of money, Credit Cards are perhaps the most misunderstood. Why do Credit Cards have such a bad reputation? Maybe because debt is always frowned upon and using any money that isn’t your money is not considered a good idea. However, it is also a fact that we ‘fear’ things that we don’t understand. Much has been said about Credit Cards but very less has been understood. Let’s take care of that, shall we?

The BankBazaar #BetterInvestments Contest

Free advice comes from everyone you know, be it your father or your neighbour. Everyone has only one person they rely on when it comes to their investment advice. Tell us who that person is whose advice you follow religiously and why and you could win gift cards worth Rs. 1,000/-.

5 Reasons To Open A Fixed Deposit Today

To have a balanced finance portfolio, the right proportion of high-growth instruments and risk-free instruments are needed. Not only are FDs safe havens to park your funds, they also offer a decent interest on deposit. Let’s talk Fixed Deposits!

The BankBazaar #BestDealEver Contest

Ever got super lucky when it came to getting the best deals? We know that it’s the rarest of the rare case but THINK, there must be something 😉 and think hard because this answer can win you cash prizes worth Rs. 1000.

Home Loan & Car Loan Festive Offer: Diwali Dhamaka Sale is on!

Diwali is nearing and we want you to check everything off your wishlist. If you’ve been looking for the perfect Home Loan or Car Loan this year, look no further. The “Diwali Dhamaka Sale” by BankBazaar is here! Pst! We’re giving you some fabulous reasons to get your perfect home and car! Here’s why you should pay attention to what we’re telling you!

Online Shopping: Safety Checklist

All geared up for the big bargain sales from a wide range of e-retailers this festive season? How about keeping your confidential information safe and secure while you enjoy all that shopping? Here’s your basic online safety checklist!

Festive Tips: How to close a Car Deal

The holiday season is almost here and with Dussehra and Diwali festivals right around the corner, the best time to buy a car is now. The key factors you need to keep in mind is making sure you buy a car which suits your style and matches your budget. Here are 6 essential tips which might get you a great deal on your first car. Read on!

The BankBazaar #BestBargain Contest

Does it happen very often that your friends put you forward when it comes to bargaining for the best price with your banya or while street shopping? And you have that one line that always works like magic where you end up saving a few extra bucks? We are looking for that exact winning line, no matter how whacky, dramatic or funny! Shoot it in the comments on our Facebook and Twitter posts and stand a chance to win cash prizes

Common Personal Loan myths busted!

A personal loan is a saviour when you need short term liquidity, don’t you agree? The hassle free application process and quicker disbursement has made personal loans the choice and millions. Despite its popularity, certain myths about personal loans make it look like a debt trap as people don’t bother to confirm these misconceptions. Let’s clarify them for you so you know the facts and you know exactly what you’re getting into when you apply for a personal loan.