Prepare Financially Before You Quit Your Job

In today’s world of high salaries and even higher burnout rates, it is not uncommon to find people quitting a formal corporate job by the time they are 40 or 45. That is losing out on a potential 15 to 20 years of regular, reliable income. Is this everyone’s cup of tea? May be, or… Read More »

6 Credit Card Vows You Must Take

  Your wedding vows were the highlight of the ceremony and you promised to live by them forever. Unfortunately, getting a credit card is a relationship that requires you to take some vows too. Here’s a list of vows one should take for a happy credit card relationship. If managed well, you may easily get… Read More »

The BankBazaar #GuiltyOf Contest

Sometimes acting cheap is the only way out for saving money.
All you got to do here is, confess to us if you have committed any of these guilty pleasures and we’ll reward you.

The Adventures of the Taxpaying Common Man

Most people probably have a love-hate relationship in their minds with Kim Kardashian. On one hand, she’s always on the media radar, on the other hand, she’s always on the media radar. You probably also have a love-hate relationship with your taxes, on one hand, you never know if the bill at the restaurant fits… Read More »

How to Manage Your Lottery Windfall Gains

If you’ve just won a lottery or had windfall gains from the equity market, congratulations! The next question always is, what are you going to spend it on? But have you considered not spending it just yet? It may sound like an outlandish idea but there are ways you can use these gains to make… Read More »