How Indians Invest in Gold

  For anyone in India, the single most important financial activity is making investments to safeguard the future. Traditionally, investing in fixed deposits has been a popular way of creating investments purely because they offer a safe environment for investments and steady growth. Other trends have seen investments in life insurance and mutual funds also… Read More »

8 Taxes All Indians Pay

A long weekend out could burn a hole in your pocket and you don’t know why you’ve overshot your budget. A lot of us forget to figure in the added taxes as they are left out of the menu or tags. There are many small taxes we pay every day, apart from the annual income… Read More »

All You Need to Know About DTAA

Malini, an IT professional has scheduled her travel to the US for working onsite. Travelling overseas for work was not new for Malini, but this time, with a big project in hand, she was likely to be abroad for more than a year. While Malini was happy that an onsite work profile would do well… Read More »

Mumbai on Finance: Must Watch!

This funny video shows you just how much Indians actually know about their personal finances! Don’t worry it’s not Rocket Science. gets to the bottom of some critical questions and gives you some expert hacks that no one else will, with this funny video on finance. With references like AIB, Being Indian, Kanan Gill and Bollywood in mind, we walked the streets of Mumbai to get Mumbai’s take on topics like finance and EMI. In this funny video, we answer asked regular Indians the following questions and answer them with expert tips for you: What does EMI stand for? What are principal and interest components?

The BankBazaar #WhichCrorepatiAreYou Contest

  Nowadays there are types of everything, including Crorepatis! If you had to pick, tell us which Indian Crorepati you wish to be and give us a reason why (make it a good one!). If we’re convinced by your answer, we’ll help you get there with a smashing ₹5,000 Gift Card! You in? How can you participate? 1. Like… Read More »