8 Healthy Habits of the Rich

As clichéd as it sounds, ‘Health is Wealth’ does in fact ring true for the Richie Richs. So here are some healthy habits wealthy people have in common, with a funny twist.

When It Comes To Financial Planning, Confucius Say…

Well, when we conversed with him, Mr. Confucius was confounded when confronted with the conundrum of Financial Planning. Confused? Let’s face it. It was a different world then. Insurance as a product probably didn’t exist (if you don’t count daylight robberies); so, checking your life insurance options was probably unheard of. Land was conquered, not bought using loans;… Read More »

Why Brad Pitt And Maria Sharapova Want You To Retire

What’s common between Mark Zuckerberg, Brad Pitt, Rupert Murdoch, Maria Sharapova, Heidi Klum, and you? That’s right. Nothing. Let’s it do it again. What’s common between Mark Zuckerberg, Brad Pitt, Rupert Murdoch, Maria Sharapova, and Heidi Klum? Right again. They’re stinking rich. Ergo, they don’t need to plan for their “retirement”. But, you do! So… Read More »