The secret identity of the loan seeker

A decade ago, home buyers were seeking loans. Today, loans are seeking home buyers. The typical home loan seeker’s profile has undergone a complete makeover. There are no dearth of loan products to spoil her for choice. A similar story unfolds when it comes to car loans and personal loans as well. Here’s a quick… Read More »

When Reality Doesn’t Match The Financial Goals You Set In Your 20’s

Ah 20’s. Such a magical time in your lives, where there is absolutely no limit to the dreams you can have for your future life. But then that irritating entity called reality decides to crash your party and give you a rude jolt. So here’s a cheeky look at the expectations vs. reality situation that happens in your 20’s.

Things These Famous People Should Have Invested In

Smart investments promise great rewards when done early, wouldn’t you agree. So we looked around and found 5 famous beings, who in hindsight, would have benefited immensely had they invested in certain things early on in their careers.

6 worst financial planning gaffes people make

‘Luck by chance’. If this movie happens to define your investment story, chances are that it will bomb at the box office of financial success. The success of your financial planning hinges completely on the financial decisions made by you during your life. If you have left something to chance, be prepared to be handed… Read More »