Category Archives: Budget & Savings

Provides tips on managing lifestyle and planning for the future.

How to make best use of your festival bonus!

It is festival time and that time of the year when employers give out bonuses to their employees, popularly termed as festival bonus. While the name of the bonus indicates that it is given out during festival season and therefore can be used to fund expensive purchases, one must remember that spending on luxuries unnecessarily… Read More »

How to encash credit card points via third party websites!

A credit card is preferred not only because of the ease and convenience associated with it, but also because one can earn reward points on its use. These reward points can be redeemed to get attractive products for free or at a lower price. Till a few years back, encashing credit card points was only… Read More »

Make the best of festive offers when shopping online!

Online shopping has become extremely popular in recent times. More and more people are resorting to this mode of shopping owing to the convenience and speed it offers. Retailers have understood this trend and many offline stores have also started online portals, offering their products through the web. In this scenario, it is not surprising… Read More »

Money mistakes that might haunt you in the future!

Making mistakes with our money is something we all are wary of but can never really be sure of avoiding. Even those of our friends who seem to have the smarts for handling their money, sometimes falter at problems that credit and financial planning bring along. Never was money as simple as saving in a… Read More »

To be or not to be a priority banking customer!

Priority Banking or Privilege Banking is a relatively new term in the Indian banking context. Many banks in India, especially the private banks have followed international banks in providing specialised services to a certain set of customers known as priority customers. These customers are determined usually by the average balance they maintain with the bank… Read More »