Category Archives: Budget & Savings
Make your teen a finance manager!!
How to set up a workable home budget!
One of the key aspects of creating a successful financial plan for a year is to establish a workable home budget that deals with your expenses, manages your debt and also builds your savings at the same time! A home budget can be defined as a plan that pre-determines your spending goals, spread over a… Read More »
The benefits of going green!
The concept of green homes is a trend that is here to stay and is slowly but surely catching up in India. In the modern version of living, cities, towns and even villages are witnessing an increased preference towards building homes and creating an environment that contributes to the preservation of the ecosystem.
Start on a savings plan!
Start budgeting early!
If you are still studying and think there is no need for you to plan your budget and believe the responsibility of planning the finances rests solely with your parents, then you need to reconsider! A few mistakes you commit during these critical years might trouble you for the rest of your life. You should… Read More »
Smart ways to manage your money!
You never know what’s in store for you! For instance, we cannot control outside events like recession. No matter what you do, it is going to affect all of us in some way or other. However some simple tips like optimum asset allocation, debt reduction, keeping emergency cash will help you tide over the rough… Read More »