It is now time to forge a new path forward with your finances. Although budgeting may not have worked for you earlier, colour-coding your budget is your new budgeting lifesaver!
Do you live to work or work to live? If you haven’t asked yourself that question yet, it’s time you do! Show of hands for a life of ‘quality’ over a life of ‘quantity’ – we saw your hand go way up high!
Although money management is such a simple concept yet saving money can be quite demanding and strenuous. With many unwanted expenses waiting to happen and a million distractions vying for attention, your wallet pays the price.
Ask the women! They’ll know what to do – they are multi-taskers, pro finders of lost items and known for their planning and organisational skills. Why else do you think with ‘Eve’, creation was declared complete? 😃
Behold! The 10 commandments that can help you part troubled financial waters so you can walk confidently into the ‘promised land’ – a financially secure future!
Although the pandemic has derailed the plans, priorities, and expectations of many, do not get blindsided when it comes to house hunting and be ready to roll with the punches. Here is a handy guide for your house-hunting adventure!
They say, whatever goes up, must come down. Well, if the price of fuel was a person, he would beg to differ. But fret not – the right fuel Credit Card can save the day (and some money)!