Let’s Talk Mortgage Loans

A Mortgage Loan is money advance given by a bank against your property. The property could be your house, a piece of land or any other form of personal or commercial real estate in your name. This makes it a secured loan, which means the lender can forfeit your property if you fail to repay the loan.

Be Like Vigneshwaran!

Vigneshwaran, a Customer Relationship Officer at BankBazaar decided to get a Term Life Insurance Policy. Getting it online was a breeze. He was able to get all the information he needed with little effort and walked away with his policy in a matter of minutes.

Add More Colours To Your Wallet This Holi

The air is aglow with colours and scented with the sweet smell of delicacies. It’s the season of colours and we are here to add more hues to the rainbow. To bring more joy, laughter and abundance in your life, we have put some of our best products on SALE! Get yourself a new CREDIT CARD or a LOAN and splash away.

A Legal Eagle’s View Of Working At BankBazaar

Parag Mathur, General Counsel and Head of Compliance at BankBazaar, is the talent who helps us navigate all legal and regulatory challenges. He is a veteran in the field of corporate law, compliance and regulatory engagement with a career spanning 18 years. In awe of his rich professional experience, we asked Parag to talk about his time at BankBazaar.

Good Investment Options For Retirement

If you’re a young professional, retirement planning probably isn’t at the top of your mind. However, rising inflation numbers or a slowing or volatile economy could contribute to an increase in living expenses every year. Read on to find out the best ways you can create a financial portfolio that will support your lifestyle without you having to depend on anyone.

Gold Bonds or ETFs? Take Your Pick!

There is a view that sovereign gold bonds will adversely affect the growth trajectory of gold exchange-traded funds (open-ended funds traded on stock exchanges) in India. While it is premature to arrive at such a conclusion, the fears are not entirely unfounded, according to some analysts. Before any opinions are formed, however, it would do well to understand the significant differences between bonds and ETFs.