Category Archives: Health Insurance

Insurance cover for health risks

Emerging Health Risks in 2015: Why it Makes Sense to Insure Yourself

  Here’s what’s trending in India right now. No, it’s not Aamir, SRK or Sallu – the holy trifecta of Bollywood. It’s H1N1, dengue and cancer. H1N1 is making a comeback in Maharashtra like never before, where there’ve already been 667 deaths this year. To put this in perspective, the last major outbreak was in… Read More »

When should you re-evaluate your insurance needs?

When it drizzles, a hanky over your head probably suffices. When it pours, you probably pull out your umbrella. But, when it is pounding, you’d better pull on your rain-sheeter and  scramble for the nearest cover. Insurance is no different. Here are some good God-given reasons why you’d re-evaluate how much cover you need. Increasing… Read More »

How to remain insured even if you can’t pay your premium

Imagine you are building a fortress against an unseen enemy. If you require four outer walls bordering its periphery to complete the structure, would you build only three? Or, would you suddenly stop building the fortress and instead start focusing on a guesthouse inside it with the intention of selling it later? More ironically, would… Read More »

Have you covered yourself?

  One of the most memorable scenes in the movie Titanic is when Jack Dawson sketches a portrait of Rose in the buff. While Rose did not need much cover, you do. Insurance-wise, that is. Many people take a cover that they can afford. Some people take one which they assume as enough for them.… Read More »

Budget 2015: Six things that you didn’t read in the fine print

The bricks and bouquets for this year’s Budget are flying thick and fast. Everyone from financial analysts on TV channels to the local newspaper delivery boy has shared their two pence on the most keenly watch annual ritual in the world’s largest democracy. While many announcements hogged the media limelight, some were lost in the… Read More »

Rising medical costs? Opt for a top up insurance plan!

Medical costs are increasing rapidly and in some cases, even more than inflation rise! Moreover, with an increase in lifestyle related diseases due to poor diet and lack of exercise, the incidence of hospitalization is also on the rise. In such a scenario, it is critical to have sufficient health insurance cover to meet these… Read More »

Identity Theft might get you into big trouble

 In today’s always-connected world, the risk of Identity Theft is also rising. In this blog, I have made an attempt to let the readers know about this precarious crime. And share a few tips to reduce your risk of becoming an Identity Theft victim. These tips may help you to safeguard your finances, credit and… Read More »