Happy Mother’s Day
Words will never be enough to express our gratitude to you, dear Mothers. You have held our hands through all the ups and downs of life. You spoil us with unconditional love, care, and generosity and continue doing so. So, for all the Super Moms out there, we have special deals on Credit Cards and Loans. A little token of love to help you with your life, as you have always helped us with ours.
Urban And Poor? You Don’t Need To Be!
Urban Poor: What Do You Have To Say About It?
All of us feel the need belong. It’s a basic psychological need. But, what is it that makes you feel like you belong and how far will you go to ‘fit in’; to be seen with the crème de la crème of society? Would you give up basic necessities to keep up appearances? We asked around and here’s what people had to say.