Category Archives: Goals

The nuts and bolts of Microfinance

In both developed and developing economies, penetration of credit facilities into the rural and semi urban set up continues to be an uphill task for government, local and social organisations. In a populous and diverse country like India, where about 69% of the population lives in rural areas, like-minded social groups are working hard to… Read More »

How to remain insured even if you can’t pay your premium

Imagine you are building a fortress against an unseen enemy. If you require four outer walls bordering its periphery to complete the structure, would you build only three? Or, would you suddenly stop building the fortress and instead start focusing on a guesthouse inside it with the intention of selling it later? More ironically, would… Read More »

Are Indians blowing their money away?

For young Indians, it is all about money, honey! Unlike their fathers and grandfathers who had scores of hungry mouths to feed, the Young Turk of today has fewer responsibilities and can barely look beyond their own mouth. Earning wads of money, he is literally rolling in cash. However, are Indians today making the best… Read More »

Money Management Case Study: Contingency Funds

Ram prides himself on being up-to-speed in money management. Despite his hectic office schedule, he has managed to ensure health cover, life cover and investments spread across PPF, Mutual funds, and other instruments. He met his friend Mr. Kent, who is a Certified Financial Planner. With a glint in his eyes, he placed his balance… Read More »

Getting married is easier than buying the right car!

Car buying is like getting married. The day you decide to go ahead with either of the two, all kinds of advice pour in.  From parents, relatives, distant uncles, pesky neighbours, even your local barber, the opinions can be multiple and quite often, confusing.   In fact, getting married can be relatively easier. Unless you have… Read More »