Category Archives: Tax benefits

Did You Know About These Tax Benefits on Home Loans?

It’s raining tax benefits on Home Loans this year. With the rates being slashed on loans and attractive schemes being offered by many banks and lending institutions, there are so many benefits to buying a home right now. Read on to learn about a few benefits of Home Loans that you might have missed.

TDS Refund – As Easy as Pie

Making investments offers two compelling benefits. It financially secures your future and helps lower tax liability. If you are a salaried employee, your employer would have asked you to submit investments proofs around December-January. In case you did not submit proofs then, extra tax will be deducted from your salary before the end of the financial year on March 31st. But don’t worry, here’s what you can do.

Nifty Tax Savings from Investing in Property

If you’ve been planning a vacation, you’ve been looking at a lot of different travel packages. And every different type of package give you different amounts of add ons. Similarly, investing in property gives you different tax add ons based on your situation. Here’s Anuj, just another Indian who thinks real estate is one of… Read More »

6 Infuriating Tax Queries Answered

We are all usually surrounded by lot of questions related to investments, taxation, finance etc. In this article, we have handpicked 6 questions which are important and applicable to most of us. 1. How are tax rebates calculated for early payment of a home loan? Those who have availed a home loan usually have this… Read More »

Tax Implications on your Groovy Second Home

Humankind has spread its wings and made the moon its second home. While there are no tax implications of that (not yet at least!) there certainly are tax implications on your second home here on earth. We unlock the tax dreadlock for you. Tax implications for multiple properties Before getting into the details of tax… Read More »