Having a hard time finding the right financial balance between your income and expenditure? Budgeting is the ultimate solution to creating that much-needed balance between your earnings and expenditure.
After taking a huge loan to pay for a higher education, students often look for ways to reduce their daily expenses and live on a small budget. Here are 14 money-saving hacks that can help students sustain themselves on a low budget.
No matter how much you earn currently, keeping your financial life on track must be one of your biggest goals. After all, nobody likes being financially unstable! Here’s a checklist to see if you’re on the right track.
Parenting is not the same as it was a decade ago. You really need to have a good sum of money to provide the best for your child. Let’s take into account all your likely expenses.
Most learned people advise you to save at least 20 per cent of your salary every month for a secure future. While some of us manage sticking to a monthly budget, most fail miserably. To avoid being broke towards the end of the month, we need to learn how to save. Let’s see how the BB folks do it.
Should you open a joint account or maintain an individual one post marriage? And, who will pay which bill? Talking about these and a whole lot of other finance related things BEFORE you get married could keep you from unwelcome problems later on.
Fixed Deposits are one of the most popular forms of investment in India owing to their good interest rates and guaranteed returns. But what about breaking your FD? Is this really a good idea? And what about pre-closure charges?
You’re probably thinking that you do not need constant reminders to start investing early. You can do without them, for sure, but we cannot emphasise enough, the importance and benefits of investing early – while you are still young and strong! Thank us later.
For those of you who haven’t given a second thought about savings and retirement, remember, it’s better late than never. So, if you haven’t started already, here are some simple tips to get you on the road to a brighter, richer future.
If your aim is to invest a small amount on a regular basis while getting a good rate of interest, then opening a Recurring Deposit may be a smart choice. You can open one in a Post Office for as low as Rs. 10! Here’s what you need to know about opening a Recurring Deposit in a Post Office.