Category Archives: Goals

Make best use of travel deals and airline credit cards!

The blossoming of credit card industry has made it possible for banks and credit card companies to come up with dedicated card schemes for its customers. Travel centric credit cards are one such popular travel oriented credit card scheme where banks or credit card companies collaborate with various airlines and hotels to offer discounts of… Read More »

Will social banking be the trend of tomorrow?  

Social media is more than just updating your status, sharing pictures and gossiping with your friends, relatives and followers. Social media platforms are the next big thing in business and even money transactions. The most recent and revolutionary addition to the social media platforms is the instant money transfers between friends and followers as banks… Read More »

Top 5 mistakes to avoid when you take a home loan!

Borrowing a loan requires careful planning and analysis. When you take a home loan, this becomes all the more important, since the commitment is for a long term. You may end up paying more or getting inefficient service if you choose the wrong scheme or bank for your home loan. There are many mistakes committed… Read More »