Tag Archives: emergency funds

Common Personal Loan myths busted!

A personal loan is a saviour when you need short term liquidity, don’t you agree? The hassle free application process and quicker disbursement has made personal loans the choice and millions. Despite its popularity, certain myths about personal loans make it look like a debt trap as people don’t bother to confirm these misconceptions. Let’s clarify them for you so you know the facts and you know exactly what you’re getting into when you apply for a personal loan.

Money Management Tips for the Single Mother

Being a single mother can be really hard. Everything needs to be taken care of so that your children can lead a comfortable life. It all gets just that much easier if your finances are sorted out. Here’s the example of Priya Raman who faced a similar situation. Priya Raman lost her husband unexpectedly in… Read More »

6 Golden Goals to Kick-Off Your Financial Planning

Just like each football match requires a strategic plan for each game, so does your financial life. Here are some must have, unavoidable financial goals that should be part of your strategic plan.     YOU MAY ALSO WANT TO: Make sure your investments are lining up with your goals – SIP Calculator

Savings and Investments; Two Sides of a Coin

Masters of illusions can make you see one thing as another until you figure out the trick. Savings and investments could look like the same thing, but that’s the illusion. Here’s the example of a couple who didn’t know the difference. Raman is a Government employee, drawing a modest salary. He leads a financially disciplined… Read More »