Category Archives: Tax benefits

Tax Implications on Life Insurance

Whether you are planning on buying a house, embarking on a new career path or just drawing lines for your children’s future, this hoary advice rings your ears: “Do your best, but be prepared for the worst.” Of course, you have paid heed to it and that’s the reason why you have bought insurance policies. You… Read More »

3 easy ways to beat the tax deadline

Some habits die hard. One such habit is jumping out of your seat when you get a rude shock. Jeevan, a senior editor with a media group, did just that – jump out of his seat – when he received a call from the accounts department telling him that he would receive only 40% of… Read More »

GST: Will bludgeoning bats continue to torment?

Of late, consumers and enterprises in India have been feeling a lot like Aussie bowler Mitchell Johnson in the recent AUS-NZ World Cup face off. If Johnson was left battered after having ducked blow after bludgeoning blow from Kiwi batsman McCullum’s willow, Indian taxpayers find themselves doing some ducking of their own. For, they end… Read More »

The Aam Aurat’s Khaas Budget wishlist

Today, the Aam Aurat too wants the Finance Minister to pay heed to her evolving needs this budget. Keeping up with voice share of women in all kinds of media and forums, the emphasis on financial empowerment of women is conspicuous in the previous few Budgets. This has contributed significantly to the well-being of the… Read More »