Tag Archives: health insurance

How Not To Go Wrong While Planning For Your Future Goals

Sameer wanted to plan for a Bangkok trip, but Sangeeta wanted to go somewhere within the country and save money. And, with those savings, she planned to buy gold jewellery which could have been considered as an investment for their future as well. To sort out their differences, the couple went to their uncle, who… Read More »

Paisa Wise, Rupee Foolish

My neighbour AtiBhudiram doesn’t shy away from going to city outskirts for bargain shopping. He doesn’t mind spending money on petrol to save few rupees. His wife proudly displays the clothes he has bought at such bargain prices to my wife to showcase “Neighbour’s Envy Owner’s Pride”! Atibhudiram also bought a luxury car last month… Read More »

3 easy ways to beat the tax deadline

Some habits die hard. One such habit is jumping out of your seat when you get a rude shock. Jeevan, a senior editor with a media group, did just that – jump out of his seat – when he received a call from the accounts department telling him that he would receive only 40% of… Read More »

Budget 2015: Six things that you didn’t read in the fine print

The bricks and bouquets for this year’s Budget are flying thick and fast. Everyone from financial analysts on TV channels to the local newspaper delivery boy has shared their two pence on the most keenly watch annual ritual in the world’s largest democracy. While many announcements hogged the media limelight, some were lost in the… Read More »

Rising medical costs? Opt for a top up insurance plan!

Medical costs are increasing rapidly and in some cases, even more than inflation rise! Moreover, with an increase in lifestyle related diseases due to poor diet and lack of exercise, the incidence of hospitalization is also on the rise. In such a scenario, it is critical to have sufficient health insurance cover to meet these… Read More »