Category Archives: How To

The Tales Of Four Smart Money Movers

Ever felt like Robert Kiyosaki or Warren Buffett, who seem to turn everything they touch into a gold mine? Well, you don’t need to go that far for examples of smart investors. Here are 4 such stories of smart guys closer home. The plainly yellow farmers Did you know that farmers can take gold loan… Read More »

5 roadblocks in money management

Managing money is like driving an ambulance through rush-hour traffic – there is a roadblock at every turn of the wheel. We give you five common roadblocks you may face while managing your finances. 1: Consistent breaches of monthly budget: Overshooting the monthly budget is a common enough occurrence. But, if you are consistently breaching… Read More »

6 ways credit cards wreck your credit score unknowingly

It is just a three-digit number, but as far as your financial life is concerned, it might as well be your grading on how well you manage your finances. So, it’s time you took a serious look at your credit score. Banks use it to determine your loan eligibility and in some cases it decides… Read More »

5 Reasons why you spend more with credit cards

Have you ever wondered why people splurge with cards even after knowing that it’s only borrowed money that they have to return to the bank someday? Various researches on the profiles of credit cards owners and their spending patterns says that there are several factors leading people to spending more using plastic. Here are the… Read More »

5 Questions to ask before doing balance transfer on your card

Sapna, a Mumbai-based copywriter was on a shopping spree during the last festive season as she was excited about her brother’s wedding. It helped that plastic money had been invented – her shopping went by in a blur as her credit card maxed out. The after-tremors hit her only later when she realized that she… Read More »

What everybody ought to know about loan trends in India

Amit was quite apprehensive as he was planning to come back to India, after living in London for nearly ten years. While the decision of coming back to his roots was something exciting, he was worried about settling down after buying a new home in India. As a first step, Amit decided try out options… Read More »

How to remain ‘unbeaten’ even after retirement

In cricket, batsmen who have played long innings often go back to the pavilion ‘retired hurt’. Not very different from what most working professionals do when they reach the end of their career – they end up retired and hurt. Financially hurt, that is. So, why do many Indians face a retirement crisis? First, India,… Read More »

How to trade your CIBIL score for an Aston Martin!

Have you found yourself in this situation? You apply for a personal loan and are rejected! You are stumped. How could this be? You’ve got everything in order and you know you have a credit history that the bank can check. It’s not all about getting to the finish line but also how you got… Read More »

Credit checks: How to lose a job

  Slap your back, treat yourself to a sinful sauna session and scrape all those photo-bombed selfies from your Facebook page. That fairy-tale job you’ve been pursuing doggedly is now yours. The interview rounds are done and you’ve been asked to submit the necessary paperwork to set the hiring process in motion. Only, the ‘Welcome… Read More »